Forgiveness…Learning to Live Joyfully with the Scars


I once read that true forgiveness means you can wish the one who hurt you well.

This means actually being happy for someone you once wished would drop off a cliff.

Jesus calls this loving your enemy. Beautiful  words. 

I want to live in Jesus’ version of the world.  But damn, it’s tough to actually do this.


We all carry burdens, many heaped upon us by others’ unkindness.

Many of us bear the scars delivered at the hands of those we once loved.

Heart scars from words and deeds that cut us deeply.

Those who dare to love deeply rarely escape unscathed.


The one who left the deepest scars upon me is getting re-married.

A joyous celebration is planned as two lives, quite well-suited for one another, are exchanging vows and planning a new future.

Some might guess this would cause me pain, re-opening old wounds scabbed over by time.

A stab of jealousy or a brief fit of rage perhaps?


Surprisingly, not at all.

The scars are numb now to the old pain. 

They are simply a part of my own life story.

What once was raw and open, is now just a reminder of what I survived.

Peace and gained wisdom  are all that remain.

Time, the benevolent healer, has worked her magic.


Joyfully, I can let the reality wash over me.

I wish them well.

Truly, honestly, completely…I wish them well.

The healing power of forgiveness triumphs over bitterness and hatred.

By wishing them well, I proclaim myself to be well.

I am healed. 

Beautifully scarred and beautifully healed.


Forgiveness is a baptism washing me clean.

